Saturday, 10 December 2016


                        CICADA 3301

Given to my admittedly creepy fascination with the bizarre things around the world , its quite weird that what ever I will be telling you in this blog came to my knowledge a few months ago. The real world is not as simple as it looks like it is or maybe there a bunch of people out there who doesn't go with the mainstream , they like puzzles , riddles , doing bizarre things and a bunch of other things that aren't normal.well now I don't want to waste your time much and lets jump on the topic which still freaks me out.

 Like so many of these online mysteries, this one first came to the attention of the Internet via 4chan's paranormal board. A simple image consisting of white text on a black background appeared on the board on Jan. 4, 2012, which read as follows:

Hello. We are looking for highly intelligent individuals. To find them, we have devised a test.
There is a message hidden in this image.
Find it, and it will lead you on the road to finding us. We look forward to meeting the few that will make it all the way through.
Good luck.

These messges generally pop on every January of each year with a puzzle that has series of steps to get solved and requires excellent knowledge of poetry , cryptography & coding Many people out there believe that its a trick by NSA and CIA to hire the most Intelligent people who are Excellent in puzzle solving and who can decry-pt any messages given to them however NSA have denied this several times. So what did follow? A puzzle that could only be solved by those willing to go the distance — cracking codes, image manipulation, and even global travel to gather clues in specific locations. We don't know who is behind Cicada 3301 (an intelligence organization? A group of hackers? Someone else?), or what the end goal is (why do they need all these “highly intelligent individuals?”); furthermore, the few who have actually made it all the way through don't even know what the deal is. One person who did solve it in spoke to Fast Company in 2014 about having been given access to a dark-net site and being put to work developing something called the Cicada. 

however there has been no proof of the mystery being solved. A few pictures are out there on the Internet that can however proof that it is an International Group and not a single country based group 

 This pic displayed above has been found in different parts of the world  and has a QR code attached to it and maybe its the middle stage in which the person has to scan that code in order to get the next clue , solving these puzzles requires uttermost determination.
and the pic below was seen in US that shows the cicada 3301 famous symbol and a bunch of random letters written below the pic which in case could be the clue to the next step.

One more weird thing about cicada 3301 is that it is not available on the simple surface web but on the dark net and you have to use Tor(The onion router) in order to see the puzzles or the page of the cicada. if you know more about cicada feel free to comment out and if you have any confusion about anything mentioned above go ahead and ask!! 🌝 Have a Nice day .

1 comment:

  1. hi bro i think u have solved the different coding questions for the code vita tcs if u can post them it could be useful
